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Landing Page Without An Agency, Programmer And Designer: Tools and AI Technology

Part 2. With the right combination of lead magnet, design and text, your landing page can generate more leads for your business than ever before!


Table of Contents:

  • Where to create a landing page that converts leads
  • Craft graphics and videos to make your landing page custom without a designer
  • How to find the right marketing messages for your landing page
  • How to create a lead magnet
  • Drafting texts for a landing page (including use of AI technology)

Times require businesses to focus on digital. No-code solutions and AI technology for marketing purposes will soon become as commonplace as Word and Excell tools are now. Arm yourself with new innovative skills.

Latest research shows that businesses with more than 40 landing pages increase conversions by over 500%, and even with 10 ones – by 55%. Gone are the days when developing a stunning landing page was only possible with coding knowledge and technical know-how. So, don't wait - get started building your dream site today!

First off, keep in mind that the design of your page can often dictate whether someone stays on the site or not. You'll want to use engaging visuals and content that draws the user in and quickly communicates what's in it for them if they take advantage of your offer.


You can find dozens of website builders with free and paid templates. To create a custom landing page, you don’t need any coding skills. I will give you a couple of examples.

  • If you want to create a professionally-looking landing page with a modern, stylish design, you can use the Tilda website builder. Furthermore, it offers a great set of features to make your web page custom. I love this platform. It’s a very user-friendly app that provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. It can be integrated with other popular services, including Google Analytics and Zapier. On a paid basis, you can link your domain or take the site code for yourself. Tilda also offers a blog with tutorials on how to work with websites, landing pages, and more. You can use a free plan but it’s not a good fit for business purposes.
  • You must have seen ads for the Wix platform, which positions itself as the #1 website builder in the world. Seems to be very pathetic and this is an obvious exaggeration. You will take much more time to customize your webpage compared with Tilda. In my view, Wix is not an intuitive platform that lacks a deep analytics and other useful features. This is an initial platform and is not considered to be a professional one. You can start with a free plan to test the platform.
  • You can find much more website platforms. Squarespace is a very well-known app that offers a good package for both individuals and new businesses. It's a bit more robust than Wix and offers professional-looking templates. With this builder, you can create simple websites, but it offers limited navigation options. There is a free trial period.
  • If you want to automate your marketing operations, HubSpot is a great software to invest in. Along with many useful tools it provides a landing page builder. If you need it as a single tool, you can choose the right HubSpot landing page builder subscription plan. Plus, I recommend to subscribe to HubSpot marketing blog that can be considered like a marketing Bible. 


Do you know that you can create illustrations, graphic and video content yourself, without design skills?

You can find various graphic platforms with free features out there. Probably the most popular app on the market is Canva. You don't need any experience to use it. I can confirm this, because I actively use the app. This is a free and easy-to-use online graphic design tool that provides tons of beautiful templates. By customizing templates, you can craft a variety of graphics for your business needs: from social media images and web banners to marketing brochures and presentations. Furthermore, you can create animated images and videos and even add video extracts from external video to your video content. Once you upload the created content you can use it on your landing page.


Creating Landing Page starts with designing a structure and crafting the right marketing messages tailored to your target audience. You need to answer such questions as: who you are, what you offer, what benefits you provide, why your brand/product/service is a good choice.

  • Make your target audience portrait: gender, age, profession, interests, etc.
  • Research on your competitors: what they write about and what they do. Find out what works best for them. You can further copy their marketing good practices and techniques. But your main task is to stand out from your competitors, present your brand and your product / service in the best possible way. My advice? Don't be shy about leveraging your speciality if it helps you stand out from the crowd.

I have seen first-hand the power of positioning and branding when it comes to medical marketing research. I once helped a lesser-known company win an RFP against a larger, established consultancy firm from the “big four”. How did we do it? We demonstrated the client's specialized expertise in medical research - something that was much more valuable than any bold claims about leadership or superlative achievements. Our creative approach enabled us to package their knowledge and experience in a way that resonated with decision makers. It was a clear victory for this small business!

  • Brainstorm. List your advantages and benefits: figure out what makes your brand/product/service unique and valuable.

When it comes to marketing messaging and positioning, I never hesitate to think outside the box for creative solutions when competitive advantages or benefits are hard to spot. Oftentimes, new ideas can arise from the brainstorming process that could help put the piece into perspective and elevate the content further. It's amazing what we can uncover once our minds are open!

  • Select the best messages and conduct A / B testing. Website builder platforms have built-in A/B testing features. O, you can use the free Google Optimize tool to test the messages on your landing page.

With a B2B product landing page, you need to convince the reader through all the content on the page that your product offering is of value to your target audience, that you are better than your competitors, that you provide a personalized experience that helps people feel heard and respected. Your prospects need to feel that your offer is the best solution to their problem. You need to encourage people to click on your CTA and leave their contacts.


A lead magnet is a free offer (item or service) that you provide to your potential customers in exchange for a contact information. The key is to make it attractive enough to grab attention and keep people interested in learning more about what you have to offer. A lead magnet is essentially the hook, or incentive, used to attract potential customers; it could be anything from a free product sample to a demo, consultation or free trial for B2B businesses. The best way to promote that offer is with a landing page where your lead magnet captures information provided by your potential customers.

For example, here I used a free product sample for tasting as a lead magnet:

CTA Button_new

Your task is to create touch points with your prospect. As a rule, a lead magnet allows you to get contacts of cold prospects, whom you need to further warm up with a series of follow-up emails and targeted ads. This nurturs your leads moving them forward in your sales process. Thus, come up with a small valuable asset that you can offer in exchange for prospects’ contacts.


Next up, start drafting the text that will appear on the page. Make sure it’s written clearly and concisely, so visitors can easily understand why they should sign up for your lead magnet. Use emotion - don't just speak robotically like an AI. Vary sentence structure, incorporate colloquial language, and use your prospect's language and terminology. This will show readers that you're knowledgeable about the subject matter but also human enough to connect with them on a deeper level.

Your copy should explain why the visitor needs your product or service. Include images if applicable, and use social proof to illustrate the benefits of the offer. Finally, add a call-to-action button at the bottom of the page with clear text and concise instructions on how to move forward and sign up for the lead magnet.

Learn how AI will help you write texts

With the advent of artificial intelligence, writing content, is becoming easier than ever before. Writers now have an invaluable tool at their disposal - AI technology - that can help them create compelling text no matter how experienced they are in the topic. Whether it's a landing page or other form of content, AI technology enables users to structure texts, find convincing phrases for maximum impact on readers, and even come up with new ideas. What's more, this tech allows one to choose the desired style of writing – colloquial language, emotion-laced sentences, varied sentence structures, and so forth. Thus, leveraging AI technology can enable authors to convey their expertise and experience while ensuring the content is clear and concise.

Finally, automate your marketing process! Technology has come a long way and there are plenty of options available for setting up automated processes for your website. With the right automation tools like Zapier or Integromat, you can create an entire online platform for your business in no time, streamlining various tasks like email and ad campaigns.

To sum up, a great landing page can grab attention, evoke emotion, and compel people to take action. It's a tricky task but it doesn't have to be overwhelming if you understand how to approach it. Follow these steps to create a winning conversion landing page that drives leads and conversions for your business!

I have described a way to make a professionally-looking and selling landing page with minimal efforts and costs. The quality depends on your personal competencies. By utilizing the right tools, you'll be well on your way to creating an effective landing page for your complex product!

Read more about a step-by-step algorithm on how to write a conversion landing page here >>>

My next article will be about No-Code Marketing Solutions. The future lies with No-code / Low-code solutions and AI technology.