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Handling Emails Like a Pro: Practical Advice and Tips

While there's no shortage of talk and information about the importance of email marketing these days, I want to mostly focus on the practical side of email marketing strategies.

Email marketing

What Exactly is Email Marketing?

Well, in today's digital world, the goal for most businesses is clear: to build healthy, long-term relationships with customers. After all, happier customers mean more profits for companies. One indispensable tool for achieving this is email marketing.

Definition: Email marketing is simply the systematic promotion of company products through emails sent with subscribers' permission. It involves building a subscriber base, creating engaging campaigns, and tracking their impact.

In my view, email marketing is the lifeblood of businesses in today's digital landscape. It's not just another marketing channel; it's like having a direct line to engaged customers, fueling growth and success.

Why Email Marketing Matters: Show Care and Get Profits

Email campaigns help build long-term customer relationships by facilitating direct communication, informing individuals about relevant topics, and aiding them in making informed decisions. By consistently showing care in every email, you can become more than just another company trying to sell a product – you become a trusted source they rely on.

So, email marketing helps you reach a few business objectives:

  • Personalized automated campaigns engage, nurture, and educate prospects.
  • They serve as reminders to existing customers about your brand and inform them of new offers.
  • It's a quick and cost-saving way to reach customers and encourage them to take desired actions.
  • It enhances brand recognition, fosters customer loyalty, and ultimately drives sales.

Boost Your Conversion Funnel with Email Strategies

Email marketing will help you at every step of the customer journey, from saying hi to making sales.


Let me share an example. During the COVID lockdowns, I led a three-month marketing campaign that included email marketing as an essential component of our conversion funnel. Adapting to remote work challenges, we adjusted our content strategy and communication channels. Our approach, combining content, emails, social media, and ads, boosted website traffic. Through emails, we provided newsletters, industry insights, and product demos, resulting in increased leads and sign-ups, as well as re-engaging three major customers.


Businesses can use a variety of email types to engage with their audience, including:

  • Welcome emails
  • Educational emails
  • Service emails
  • Newsletter and blog updates
  • Product announcement emails
  • Event invitations
  • Reminder emails
  • Re-engagement or win-back emails
  • Holiday or seasonal promotion emails
  • Exclusive offer emails
  • Survey or feedback request emails

Feedback Request: Even if you are a small company, you can gain valuable insights by collecting feedback from clients through email. This will allow you to identify your marketing and technological errors, which will further help you improve the quality of your service and products. Additionally, positive reviews will help you attract new customers.


In my tenure with Services Company X, I noticed a concerning trend: we were lacking positive feedback on online review platforms for quite some time. To change this, I improved the company's text messaging and email communication with clients, actively seeking feedback. This effort quickly led to a surge in positive reviews and high customer ratings. Remember, open and sincere communication is key to building trust with your customers.


In addition to direct sales, email campaigns serve many other important functions:

  • They guide customers through the sales journey.
  • Service emails provide vital order and delivery information.
  • Educational emails teach subscribers how to use products effectively.
  • Re-engagement emails help bring back inactive customers, sparking their interest and prompting purchases.
  • They share content from blogs and other company’s platforms.
  • They boost repeat sales. Acquiring new customers is always more expensive than retaining old ones. Email campaigns bring users back to the website - they return to make purchases again and again.

Handy Tips to Increase your Email Conversion Rate

  1. Segment Your Audience and Personalize. If you want to get higher open and click-through rates for your email campaigns, always tailor email content to individual recipients' preferences, needs and behavior.
  2. Automation will help you streamline repetitive tasks, such as sending welcome emails, reminders, or birthday greetings. This saves time and ensures timely, consistent communication with subscribers, ultimately improving efficiency of campaigns.
  3. Pay attention to Titles: The subject line is the first thing your recipients see, so make it compelling and relevant to increase open rates. Use action words, personalization, or intriguing questions to capture attention.
  4. Be brief: Keep your email content concise and to the point if you want your recipients to take desired actions. People are busy, so make it easy for them to scan and understand your message quickly.
  5. Monitor Performance: track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

AI Tools for Enhanced Email Content

Let's speak about cool AI tools that make email marketing easier! In my previous article you'll find my practical advice on AI-powered marketing. These tools help improve your email campaigns and make them look better. They can make your emails more personal, design them for you, and even create cool images and videos. With AI, you can write better emails that get people to take action!

  • For example, you can use ChatGPT or SmartWriter to automate your research and copywriting process and send unique personalized emails to your recipients.
  • Try using popular apps like Canva and Mitjorney to make awesome graphics and videos. It's an easy way to get more creative!
  • AI can help you organize your emails. Sanebox AI Assistant automatically sorts emails into folders like Inbox, SaneLater, and SaneNews based on importance. It personalizes its algorithm over time to improve email management suggestions by studying user behavior.

AI can help make your emails better, but it's important to also use your own ideas based on what you know about your customers to make it really effective.

Maximizing Value, Minimizing Spam: Email Marketing Practice

If content is the fuel, then email marketing is the powerful engine that delivers your message directly to your audience. When done right, your traffic and ROI will grow. According to Litmus, every dollar invested in email marketing yields $36 in profit. Sounds impressive.

‘Done right’ means adhering to the fundamental rule of digital marketing which is to bring value to your audience. The content you offer must align with the interests and address pain points of your target audience. The worst thing you can do is become an annoying spammer, turning an effective channel into a source of irritation and discontent. Maintaining this delicate balance between value and respect for the audience is the key to success in email marketing. Try to treat your readers with care in every email, and over time, you'll definitely become more than just another company looking to sell its products.

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Who Can Benefit from Email Marketing?

Every business, regardless of size or industry, can benefit from email marketing. Whether you're aiming to connect with your audience, boost brand visibility, increase sales, or enhance customer loyalty, email marketing is a good strategy that can be tailored to fit your needs. From B2B companies to service-based businesses like consulting firms, law practices, accounting agencies, and healthcare providers, all can utilize email marketing to share valuable insights, announce updates, or send appointment reminders. In short, email marketing offers benefits for businesses across the board. Give this channel a try, and you're bound to succeed!