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B2B Content Marketing: Tips On How To Promote Website Using Content

How to bring consistent organic traffic to your website on a tight budget?


Table of Contents:

  • How to drive organic traffic on a tight budget
  • How to make your website more visible on Google
  • Ways to make your website stand out
  • Content types for B2B websites
  • Corporate blog as a part of SEO strategy
  • Where to craft a content plan

Once your site is online, the next step is to promote it. There are many ways to drive targeted traffic to a website, but some of the tools can be quite costly. Luckily, with some tactics, you can expand your online presence without spending a lot of money. Learn how to boost your website’s visibility and enhance your organic traffic on a minimal budget.

Let’s speak about content marketing. Google loves websites that offer users relevant and engaging content. The more time people spend on your site, the more likely it is to appear on the first page of Google. But it's not enough to create a website with great content and the right marketing messages. You need to get your content out to the right people.

So, you will be concerned about how best to convey your messages and content to the target audience.

Content marketing doesn’t get results overnight, it’s a long-term game that provides growing and impressive returns over time. The longer your content exists and the more content you craft, the higher your returns will be.


Content is king when it comes to making your website visible on Google, generating traffic, and converting leads. SEO changed over the years. You need to keep your content and website fit. Years ago, the approach to promoting websites and optimizing content was totally different. The focus was on the search engine algorithm and not on people. SEO was all about buying backlinks and writing low-quality content stuffed with keywords. This led to disappointed users. This approach no longer works.

Instead of staying focused on search engines, we now focus on the end users and their needs and interests. We see a shift towards useful, quality content. It is not enough to simply create content; you have to create content that is useful for your prospects to gain their trust.

 For B2B brands, the worst thing they can do for their website is to litter it with keyword-heavy SEO content. Write for the people, not for the search engines.


  • The first step is to develop key marketing messages and triggers for your site. This is the value you offer to your prospects. Read more here>> 

Take it seriously. You will further broadcast these messages across all of your digital channels. How do you address multiple audiences? In addition to the website, you need to create Landing Pages for these specific groups. Audience targeting is an integral part of digital marketing. Landing pages allow you to create customized messages that are tailored to different segments. Read more about Landing Pages here>>>

  • Pay attention to the website header and key headings

A well-designed meaningful website header with the right visualization is half the battle, since it captures user’s attention. A website gets just 2-3 seconds to grow interest in visitors. Therefore, the key website elements should be visible and convincing. Try to visually convey who you are and what value you offer to your customers.

In order to get more traffic to your website, you need to regularly update your website pages such as news pages, events, case studies, white papers, and customer reviews. Additionally, I recommend to start a blog and share engaging and valuable content with your audiences. Expert say that companies that use blogging receive 97 percent more links to their websites. Updating of your content will make your site more visible on search engines.


Position yourself as an expert and write long reads

The following types of content will help you build your image and reputation as an expert (posted on your website, blog, social media and other digital channels):

  • Corporate news

Share company’s news with your target audience. Things to write about: start/status/stages of projects, new customers, product upgrade, new valuable services, events, highlights in mass media, etc. Even just mentioning your customers' brands will allow you to grab the attention of people from Google and get more views.

  • Industry Articles

Write long-reads (like analysis and overviews). This is a good type of content to gain people’s trust. Yes, I have experienced firsthand how well they work. Search engines love them and will often show them up in search results.

  • White Papers

This is an informational document to present and promote a product or service like a solution to a problem within an industry.

  • Case Studies and Success Stories

Case study or Success story is one of the most powerful selling tools. A sales case study is like an extended customer review, showcasing the results you helped your customer achieve. Highlight benefits received by your customers. It would be great if you provide measurable results (with numbers). Such case studies/success stories encourage your prospects to take action.

  • Customer Reviews/ Testimonials

You don't need to download stamped testimonials. It’s better to post a paragraph that talks about the benefits that the customer received. Just a couple of naturally-looking sentences displaying sincere emotions. Avoid stereotyped reviews that your employees write themselves.

  • Interviews with industry experts and customers

Post interviews. They help generate traffic and convert visitors into leads. Plus, it's a treasure trove of useful information. Based on the interview, you will be able to create a case-study and customer review. You can organize and promote information in a variety of formats including written, visual and video content. And most importantly, interview will help you receive feedback from your customers, find out their needs and pain points. This will help you upgrade your products and improve your services.

  • Useful materials

This site section will allow you to share your experience and give helpful tips, hacks and instructions to your prospects. Provide something of value to build brand loyalty.

Don't forget other content formats like:

  • Infographics
  • Images and galleries
  • Videos

Stay customer friendly. For example, you can present your case study and customer review as an article, infographic, or video. Let your prospects find a convenient way to get information and communicate with you.


Nowadays, the foundation of an SEO strategy is to improve user experience and regularly generate unique, relevant and engaging content. If you’re unsure if your content is unique, you can find lots of free online plagiarism checkers.

The most effective way to drive relevant organic traffic to your site is to run a SEO-optimized blog. In expert’s view, blog helps companies get 55% more website visitors.

How to Find Blog Post Ideas?

Engage the audience. Craft your writing to meet their needs. Write about topics that are of interest to your intended audience. Avoid sales pitching and direct advertising. Don't forget to be human first.

  • Research your audience: who they are and where they spend their time. Join industry and business groups on social media and engage in discussions. Identify pain points of your audiences.
  • Chat with your salespeople and account managers. Find out what questions customers ask them. Answer these questions in your posts.
  • Get an insight into your competitors and learn from their experience: what they write about on their digital platforms. Analyze which competitor posts worked best (likes, shares, comments).
  • Find Q&A apps. Quora platform is a really great place to find topics of your expertise and share your knowledge. Check it out.


Content planning is an essential part of any content process. Make it as easy for yourself with free scheduling tools that help you plan, organize, publish, and schedule content across different platforms. You can organize your content ideas even in a simple Excel spreadsheet, and then link the spreadsheet to a content calendar. But I recommend that you use an online app with predesigned content planning templates.

One of these free tools is Google Sheet with multiple content calendar templates. You will be able to review and edit your plan whenever you need to or when you have a new brilliant idea. What's more, you can share your plan with the team.

Another great tool to organize tasks and create a content plan is Trello task management platform. Great and easy-to-use platform for a teamwork that.

(!) Test, test, test. To create content that converts, test new content types and formats. Track website traffic using web analytics tools and optimize your content strategy and plans based on analytics data. And most importantly, put your reader first.

Learn why SEO And Google Ads Don’t Work Without Content Marketing >>>

 Find practical tips on: 

  • How to create a website that converts
  • Content promotion tactics
  • How to turn negative reviews into positive ones and attract new leads
  • Which tools to use to track and measure website traffic and conversions